Prototypes & Models


Model making at haydndesign means providing our customers with a 3D model of their new product that does not take weeks to tool up, but allows for a visual evaluation or a functioning product for initial testing of function.

This provides confidence in a new product, for customer evaluations and maintenance issues that can be discussed prior to a finalised product delivery, allowing for the necessary improvements and iterations either to key features or appearance prior to costly hard tooling.

We have worked with Malcolm Nicholls for many years and their team provides an excellent service. They are based in Bidford on Avon just a few miles from our office, due to their close proximity we can manage the procurement of rapid prototype parts either SLA or SLS checking limits, fits and function whilst liaising with them to make improvements during the process, this allows for a timely prototyping process allowing for the best results to be achieved. We include prototype elastomer parts, cast polyurethane components and also cast metal components, so that a small batch of units can be made and evaluated.

In addition we have many contacts who have excellent machining, sheet-metal forming and finishing facilities that we have worked with for many years, so almost anything can be made in what ever batch size required.

We have experience of organizing tooling and supply of components from China for that competitive edge that some markets require.

We can manage procurement, assembly and documented testing for your new product.


All PTC Logos are used under license from Parametric Technology Corporation, Needham, MA, USA. 

All CFdesign logos are used under license from Blue Ridge Numerics USA

Copyright © 1998 - 2012 Haydndesign Limited.

Company Number England and Wales 3099864     
VAT reg No. 647 9217 0