Concept design  

Concept design at Haydndesign requires that we understand the varied requirements of Sales, Marketing and the technical specification on new product design.

  • The 'knock on' to the engineering function requires us to undertake competitor evaluations, consider materials, available production processes and by 'laying out' various concepts in Pro/ENGINEER®, we can then quantifiably decide on the best approach to take, using Pro/Mechanica® and CFDesign® for design optimisation and analysis.

  • Animations can also be useful in describing the principles of a new design, to allow better understanding of the concept to all disciplines, and allows customer evaluation and comment on a design prior to expensive manufacture. Haydndesign can provide these services to help spread the 'word' on your revolutionary new design.

  • Manufacturing processes are essential to a cost effective product introduction, with many years of successful product introduction the specification of materials, suitable production process encompassing sheet-metal, precision machining, forgings, castings, mouldings, finishing, labels, all are catered for with suitable manufacturing documentation and tolerance consideration to enable a successful product.

The animation on this page demonstrates an evolving design of a 6 speed Sequential racing gearbox
(circa 2000)

 - By using Pro/Mechanism we set up the skeleton to control via drivers the required timings, then through the use of the trace curve we generated the barrel cam profile
 - This animation was used by the 'HowStuffWorks' team after they found it on the web, so it does help to explain a principle when you can see it.

We thought that Pro/design-animation® would assist demonstrate the principles of clutch-less racing gear changes. Originally done in rev2001. At one time this was an example of how to use the ProE functionality effectively on the website.

Rugged screen for GPS mapping 2003

All PTC Logos are used under license from Parametric Technology Corporation, Needham, MA, USA. 

All CFdesign logos are used under license from Blue Ridge Numerics USA

Copyright © 1998 - 2012 Haydndesign Limited.

Company Number England and Wales 3099864     
VAT reg No. 647 9217 0